VPR’s Vermont Edition: Vermont In Transition: Job Growth (Featuring Roundtable President Lisa Ventriss & Policy Analyst Doug Hoffer)

Even before the current recession hit, job growth in Vermont had slowed – and much of the existing growth was concentrated in Chittenden County.

Those are among the findings in the recent “Vermont in Transition” study conducted by the Center for Social Science Research at St. Michael’s College for the Council on the Future of Vermont.

Today, we begin a series of programs focusing on the study’s results. We’ll talk about job trends in the state with one of the authors of the study. We’ll also hear from policy analyst Doug Hoffer and Lisa Ventriss of the Vermont Business Roundtable about strategies for future job growth.

What kind of businesses and jobs would you like to see in Vermont? How would you create jobs? Where’s the next hot emerging market? Send us an email and join the discussion.

Also, reporter John Gregg of the Valley News previews New Hampshire’s town meetings.

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