The VBR Research and Education Foundation was created in 2013 as a 501(c)3 non-profit that sworks to ensure a continuum of high quality educational experiences to prepare children and families to be productive citizens in a global economy (from prenatal through post-secondary and higher education).
Chair: Renee Bourget-Place, Office Managing Partner, KPMG LLP
Vice Chair and Treasurer: Meg Fleming, President, SymQuest Group
Kirk Dombrowski, Vice President for Research, The University of Vermont
Pamela Duchene, Vice President of Patient Care / Chief Nursing Officer, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center
John G. Illick, CEO, ReArch Company
Ian McCray, Middlebury College
Premila Peters, President and Managing Partner, Data Innovations
Judith O’Connell, Managing Partner and CEO, Champlain Investment Partners (ex-officio)
Lisa Ventriss, President, Vermont Business Roundtable (ex-officio)
VBR Research and Education Foundation oversees the following initiatives:
* Nordic Educational Trust Scholarship. For more information, Click Here.
* Vermont Talent Pipeline Management (VTPM). Learn More, Here.