
The Vermont Talent Pipeline Management Project (VTPM) is a unique, employer-led systems model that employs strategies that leverage lessons learned from supply-chain management and expand the role of employers as end-customers of education and workforce systems. Our efforts seek to improve the employability of Vermont students, to improve alignment of employer needs with education and workforce programs, and to grow Vermont’s economy.

VTPM includes statewide and regional public/private partners from Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Agency of Education, Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, Franklin/Grand Isle Workforce Investment Board, Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation, Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce, South Burlington School District, State Workforce Development Board, Vermont Business Roundtable, Vermont Chamber of Commerce, Vermont Student Assistance Corporation.

Related Links:
The Compelling Case for Talent Pipeline Management

Learn about the U.S. Chamber Foundation’s Talent Pipeline Management Initiative

U.S. Chamber Foundation, USA Funds Announce Second Talent Pipeline Management Academy Cohort (Press Release)

Roundtable Receives Grant from the J. Warren & Lois McClure Foundation to Support Vermont Talent Pipeline Management Project (Press Release, 2.9.17)

Building Alliances and Career Pathways (Brattleboro Reformer, 8.30.17)

Roundtable Hires Executive Director To Support Vermont Talent Pipeline Management Project (Press Release, 12.21.17)


Please visit Vermont TPM’s website for more in-depth and up-to-date information: