Today, the Vermont Business Roundtable announced that it has hired Mary Anne Sheahan of Shelburne, as Executive Director of the Vermont Talent Pipeline Management Program (VTPM).
“The Roundtable and its VTPM partners around the state are very excited about this important next step toward the full realization of our program, which will improve alignment of employer needs with education and workforce programs, and grow Vermont’s economy,” said Roundtable President, Lisa Ventriss.
The Vermont Talent Pipeline Management Project is an employer-led and demand-driven model created by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation to address our statewide workforce shortages. VTPM leverages lessons learned from supply-chain management and expands the role of employers as end-customers of education and workforce systems. In 2017, VTPM has focused on building employer collaboratives in the construction and health care industries. In 2018, its focus will expand into manufacturing and technology industries.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to operationalize the Talent Pipeline work we started this year in Vermont’s construction and health care industry clusters. By developing industry collaboratives, we’re refining their most pressing hiring requirements to share with training partners. There is a lot of work to be done to fill the skills gap and the Roundtable and its partners are poised to deliver statewide impact for these high priority industries. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate the value and capability of a statewide initiative that is inclusive of all stakeholders and endorsed by Vermont Agencies of Commerce, Education, and Labor. TPM consistently provides data-driven results on a national scale and Vermont hosts the first statewide implementation.” said Sheahan.
“I thank Lisa Ventriss and Commissioner of Economic Development, Joan Goldstein for introducing the Talent Pipeline Management system in Vermont and, I’d also like to thank the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce (LCRCC) for supporting and promoting the Talent Pipeline program throughout its regional membership.”
Prior to her engagement with the Roundtable, Ms. Sheahan was Executive Director of Leadership and Workforce Development at the LCRCC. She will assume her new position on January 2, 2018.