Created in 1987 as a nonprofit, public interest organization, the Vermont Business Roundtable’s membership is comprised of 100 CEOs of Vermont’s most active and committed businesses and employers. During the 34 years since its inception, the Roundtable has dedicated itself to thoughtful, deliberative, and well-documented analyses of significant public policy issues affecting all Vermonters, ranging from education, economic health, environmental quality, health care policy, and technology.
From our first report in 1988 entitled, “Population and Employment Forecast” to the 2006 report entitled, “Having the Courage to Change,” the Roundtable has engaged in research and analysis, collaboration, and communication and advocacy to bring a uniquely balanced, non-partisan, and long-range perspective to policy-making in Vermont.
The Vermont Business Roundtable has also played a leadership role in the development and launch of significant projects that have enhanced the economic vitality and social fabric of Vermont. Chief among them have been the Medallion School Awards program, the Born to Read Initiative, the Peer to Peer Collaborative, and the Young Writers Project.
The success of this organization is attributed to the personal involvement of the principal officers of our member businesses. Their essential leadership on key public policy issues has been the foundation of our ability to make a difference.
Of this tradition we are very proud.
To view and download the Roundtable’s body of work, visit our Library.